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Sammelthema 'Chris on Tour' durch die weite Welt (Bildersammlung)


Finally arrived at the amazing Tobago cays in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines! Great beaches and lots of turtles to swim with :)
164 Find ich von der Stimmung her echt gut. (y)

The famous maho beach in sint maarten, sadly the big 747 from KLM is not landing there anymore. It was still really cool!

The water at Bahia De las Aguilas is truly amazing. Not only is it crystal clear, but it also felt really comfortable swimming in it. Takes a bit of effort to get there, especially when hitch hiking, but it is totally worth it!

Camping on an isolated beach right out of your dreams with no buildings or roads anywhere close, not many things can top that!


Hitch hiking with the local coconut dealer in the Dominican Republic :) could barely get up the hill with that car!

Playa Madame in the Dominican Republic. Takes a but of hiking to get there but it's certainly worth having a beach like that for your own!


Finishing off my pictures from the Dominican Republic with this interesting palm tree in Samana. Next up will be Malaysia!

The famous Petronas Twin Towers in Kuala Lumpur, pretty impressive structure! Also really the only thing I checked out in the city, not too much more to see there for me as a more nature oriented person.
Oben Unten