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Sammelthema 'Chris on Tour' durch die weite Welt (Bildersammlung)


Some dark clouds coming up on the perhentian islands, making for a great atmosphere to take a picture of the actually pretty nice and only mosque on the island.

The impressive Buddha of phuket with an equally impressive sky, such a great expierence live when the thunder strikes came in soon after!

Probably one of the most iconic images of Thailand: the famous long tail boat! Image taken on ko lao la ding, part of the Hong island group.

One of many great viewpoints in Thailand's climbing Mecca Railay (Rei Leh). This one is looking down to the eastern Beach, just on the way to princess lagoon.

My last picture from Thailand already, a complete empty Phra Nang beach in the morning after camping there the night before. The first peeps to come in were some monkeys trying to steal my stuff! :)

Looking down from the Pagoda on top of Mount Zwegabin in Myanmar's Hpa-an region offers some incredible views into the wide landscape below. It was possible for tourists to sleep on top with the monks until a French backpacker committed suicide a few months ago. Luckily, they made an exception for me and I could enjoy the sunrise in the morning as well!

It is incredible to witness the fishing techniques on inle lake in Myanmar. Keeping balance on a long thin boat with just one leg while stearing it with the other while fishing at the same time... Wow!

Another sunrise at Bagan in Myanmar. Every single time I had to get out of bed extra early because I was hitch hiking into the temple area and every time it was worth the effort!

Just one of many caves in Laos: Tham Poukham near the backpackers hub Vang Vieng. This one is fairly small but if you have the right equipment you can venture into the dark parts. I didn't go there but still had a great time wandering around and capturing the incoming light from the entrance!

The stunning rock formation seen from the main bridge in the tiny village of Pha Tang. This was actually one of my favorite places in terms of landscapes in Laos!

Kuang Si Waterfall near Luang Prabang in Laos. I came here with high expectations and was not let down, truly a great piece of nature and worth the effort. Just don't take the horse if you don't mind wading through a river to get there.
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