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DPP 3.0 ist raus

1. Changes from Digital Photo Professional 2.2
Added functions
1-1. Support added for Windows Vista.
1-2. Support was added for EOS-1D Mark III.
1-3. Support added for single-image display for RAW+JPEG images. (*)
The edited content is applied only to RAW images. File moving, copying, or deleting applies to both the RAW image and the JPEG image. Single image display is only used with CR2-type RAW and JPEG images that were shot simultaneously. (The images used with TIFF-type RAW and JPEG images can not be displayed as a single image).
1-4. Enabled thumbnail image rearranging using drag & drop.
1-5. Enabled a frame display in trimmed images in main window or edit image window.
1-6. Added multi-image synchronizing function in edit window.
1-7. Supported multi-page printing in detailed setting printing.
1-8. Enabled a Color Management settings window call function in the detailed setting printing window.
1-9. Enabled images trimmed in DPP to print as trimmed images when they are printed using Easy-PhotoPrint, Easy-PhotoPrint Pro.
1-10. The GPS data can be displayed with other shooting information when the GPS data is added to it.

Changed Functions
1-11. Brought together as collective image adjustments in the tool palette in the main window. Added a noise reduction tab, and allowed noise reduction to be applied to individual images.
1-12. Changed the display method of trimmed images in edit window, edit image window. Images trimmed in DPP are now printed as trimmed images.
1-13. Improved the speed for displaying RAW images in edit window.
1-14. Support added for new Picture Style files. (.pf2)
The extension for the Picture Style files has been changed from ".pse" to ".pf2" Please download the files again. The effect of the files has not been changed.

Modified Functions
1-15. When selecting the detailed setting printing and contact sheet printing, the printing result could become completely white (or in some cases, completely black). But this has been corrected.
dumme Frage: Kann man sich das einfach so runterladen oder braucht man irgendeinen Freischaltcode oder wie läuft das? Canon-User bin ich ja.
dumme Frage: Kann man sich das einfach so runterladen oder braucht man irgendeinen Freischaltcode oder wie läuft das? Canon-User bin ich ja.

Einfach runterladen und installieren. Läuft ohne Freischaltcode. Ist natürlich in englisch.

1. Changes from Digital Photo Professional 2.2
Added functions
1-1. Support added for Windows Vista.
1-2. Support was added for EOS-1D Mark III.
1-3. Support added for single-image display for RAW+JPEG images. (*)
The edited content is applied only to RAW images. File moving, copying, or deleting applies to both the RAW image and the JPEG image. Single image display is only used with CR2-type RAW and JPEG images that were shot simultaneously. (The images used with TIFF-type RAW and JPEG images can not be displayed as a single image).
1-4. Enabled thumbnail image rearranging using drag & drop.
1-5. Enabled a frame display in trimmed images in main window or edit image window.
1-6. Added multi-image synchronizing function in edit window.
1-7. Supported multi-page printing in detailed setting printing.
1-8. Enabled a Color Management settings window call function in the detailed setting printing window.
1-9. Enabled images trimmed in DPP to print as trimmed images when they are printed using Easy-PhotoPrint, Easy-PhotoPrint Pro.
1-10. The GPS data can be displayed with other shooting information when the GPS data is added to it.

Changed Functions
1-11. Brought together as collective image adjustments in the tool palette in the main window. Added a noise reduction tab, and allowed noise reduction to be applied to individual images.
1-12. Changed the display method of trimmed images in edit window, edit image window. Images trimmed in DPP are now printed as trimmed images.
1-13. Improved the speed for displaying RAW images in edit window.
1-14. Support added for new Picture Style files. (.pf2)
The extension for the Picture Style files has been changed from ".pse" to ".pf2" Please download the files again. The effect of the files has not been changed.

Modified Functions
1-15. When selecting the detailed setting printing and contact sheet printing, the printing result could become completely white (or in some cases, completely black). But this has been corrected.

Hab ich was verpasst , oder ist englisch jetzt offizielle Sprache in Deutschland.
Auf dem Mac ist nach dem Update auf 3.0 alles noch in Deutsch!?

Korrekt,bei mir läufts auch in Deutsch.

Das Programm ist spürbar schneller geworden,Bild öffnen,anzeigen und konvertieren hat an Geschwindigkeit zugelegt.
Zusätzlich kann man Rauschminderung jetzt auch für Tiff und JPG über einen neuen Reiter einstellen.

Hab ich was verpasst, oder haben sie Englisch mittlerweile aus dem Stundenplan in der Schule gestrichen?

Ich kenne mich mit den Stundenplänen an den Schulen nicht so aus,
da meine Schulzeit in der Zeit war als du wahrscheinlich noch tief im Teich versteckt darauf gewartet hast vom Klapperstorch entdeckt zu werden.:)

Gruss Jürgen
Oben Unten