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Freewareplugins für PS

Tom Bombadur

Hi-Spot : Digital Film FX : A single Photoshop-compatible plug-in filter for high-contrast B&W effects. It will not just convert your images into the standard shades of grey, it will automatically higher the contrast and produce a more dramatic sense of lighting in your scene. Much like the old photos you may have seen in your family albums. A bonus features for darkroom enthusiasts is the ability to lightly tone your B&W print at the same time. Give your photos that ancient sepia look or mix the colour settings to produce your desired monochrome tint.

Techni-X : Digital Film FX : A single Photoshop-compatible plug-in filter for very high contrast effects. It bleaches out most of the mid-tone greys, leaving crisp dark blacks and bright clean whites. It will produce clear B&W images with limited tones, which are suitable for cheap reproduction via the office photocopier or when published in newsprint, as these methods normally loose image definition when trying to reproduce standard colour photographs. Although mainly designed for this "technical" purpose, you can also have fun by adding strong colour-casts within the plug-in!
SkyGrad : Digital Lens FX : A single Photoshop-compatible plug-in filter for tinting the sky area of your photographs. Ideal if you need to change the "mood" of your scene, brighten-up a dull day or make a darker overcast sky for dramatic effect. The filter will overlay a coloured gradient from the top of your image fading to transparent at the bottom. You can specify the colour of the tint via three RGB sliders plus you can adjust the brightness with the exposure setting..

Tom Bombadur schrieb:

Oha, da gibt es aber viele.
Da muß man ja Urlaub nehmen, um alle zu testen.
Tachyon ("Tak-ee-on," a faster-than-light particle) inverts the the bright and dark areas of your picture, but does not change the hues. Ordinary inversion would change blue to yellow, for example.

ChromaSolarize combines the Tachyon effect with solarization, producing attractive surreal effects.

Anaglyph Flip
Exchanges the left-eye and right-eye channels in red/cyan anaglyphic 3D pictures.

Swap Red & Blue
Swap Red & Green
Swap Green & Blue

These filters work on RGB images ? those with three channels of color: red, green, and blue. By swapping data between channels, they transform color, changing the picture?s chromatic harmonies in useful ways.

RGB->HSL takess a normal image with its red, green, and blue color channels and replaces these with hue, saturation, and luminance respectively. Your paint program will think the image is still in RGB form, so the colors will look bizarre. HSL->RGB changes the image back.

The HSL color system is a way of representing colors. Hue is the property of a color that classifies it as red, yellow, blue or green, or a blend of these. Saturation is the vividness of the color; and luminance is the total amount of light it throws off.

If you use these filters and your paint program lets you paint into individual color channels, you can change the image in a way difficult to do in RGB mode.

Try using RGB->HSL, then Gaussian Blur, then HSL->RGB.

Vitriol changes colors? contrast as if viewed through colored glass, but without tinting the image.

Imagine you want to use black-and-white film to take a spooky picture of a landscape. You could make the sky unnaturally dark by placing a yellow glass filter over the lens; this will make the blue sky very dark, while the appearance of the green landscape is affected very little.

It would be fun to do the same effect in color, but the yellow filter would of course make the picture yellowish. Vitriol will get the contrast effect without the colorization. Just set the foreground color to the color of the imaginary colored glass, and choose Vitriol from the Filter menu.

Vitriol automatically provides density correction, so you can use a strongly colored filter without making your picture go dark. The effect is most vivid on areas of strongly saturated color. Apply repeatedly to intensify the result.

Kyoto Color
Kyoto Color changes color using a Hue/Luminance/Saturation color space, but it's not the same HLS color space built into Photoshop. The Kyoto space produces more lifelike results for massive hue changes.

Make Cube Tile
Make Cube Tile takes a square image and modifies it so that six tiles can seamlessly cover a sphere. Flexify can use these tiles as input.

Ornament takes a photo of a mirrored ball and unwraps the reflection into a form called an "equirectangular panorama."

It has its own separate guide.

The next filters only operate on layers with a transparency channel.

Solidify A & B
Solidify turns an image layer entirely 100% opaque. It reveals partially transparent areas, and can even help repair the corrupted transparency channel that some paint programs occasionally produce. It's also good for quickly filling in missing regions of a panorama.

Solidify A softly blurs the solid part into the transparent region. Solidify B smears only the outer edge for a harder look.

In this example, the strawberry was in a different layer than the background.

Ghost turns an image layer into a semitransparent picture made entirely of black pixels. It produces a smoked-glass effect that's hard to produce by hand.

In this example, the strawberry was in a different layer than the background.

AntiGhost turns the alpha channel into solid greys.

TransLine and TransTone
TransLine makes every second scanline transparent. TransTone is similar, but turns a 50% pattern of pixels transparent. This can be a useful effect if you are making transparent GIFs for the web.

In this example, the strawberry was in a different layer than the background


Andere Demos! hier !
moin tom, wenn du schon dabei bist alle photoshop-plug Pages des Internets vorzustellen und du dich da offenbar sehr gut auskennst, hab ich eine frage.
Kennst du ein plugin zum automatischen Freistellen mit Pfaden?
Oder gibt es einen fotohintergrund mit einer speziellen Farbe (bluebox) wo ich die Farbe leicht im Photoshop auswählen kann, zum Freistellen der Objekte?
Hab nämlich keine Lust Tennisschläger manuell freizustellen (inkl. Pfade).

Ist etwas tricky. Bin eher Laie als Profi.

Du bist doch Urlaubsgebildeter Adobe Speziallist..oder war der kurs ned so der bringer ?? Berichte doch mal bitte
maxx schrieb:
moin tom, wenn du schon dabei bist alle photoshop-plug Pages des Internets vorzustellen und du dich da offenbar sehr gut auskennst, hab ich eine frage.
Kennst du ein plugin zum automatischen Freistellen mit Pfaden?
Oder gibt es einen fotohintergrund mit einer speziellen Farbe (bluebox) wo ich die Farbe leicht im Photoshop auswählen kann, zum Freistellen der Objekte?
Hab nämlich keine Lust Tennisschläger manuell freizustellen (inkl. Pfade).

Vieleicht hilft Dir das?


Startbeginn nächste Woche. Daher wohl eher Laie

Ich hoffe im Anschluss vermittelst du dieses neuerworbenes Wissen weiter...wir bauen alle auf dich.....
so, hab es mal getestet. Für Bilder, wo lediglich ein anderer hintergrund eingezogen werden soll, ist es sehr gut zu verwenden. Wenn ich aber ein Bild mit Pfaden freistellen soll, um es später im Freehand (ohne den Hintergrund) zu positionieren und bei bedarf mit anderen objekte überlappen zu lassen, dann ist es nicht zu gebrauchen. Denn die mit dem alphakanal erzeugte auswahl müßte ich ja noch in Pfade umwandeln und da ist die geschichte sehr sehr ungenau. Dann setze ich lieber gleich die Pfade mit der Feder.
?aber wie gesagt, wenn man im Foto einen anderen hintergrund haben möchte, dann ist das wirklich super
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