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Canon EF-S lens focal length on APS-C Body?


Can someone please explain the resultant focal length of a Canon EF-S lens on an APS-C body such as Rebel t4i?

I think I know that to figure out the resultant focal length of an EF lens on an APS-C would be to multiply by 1.6 so for instance a 50mm EF would be 80mm equiv focal length on APS-C.

I thought that if I used an EF-S lens on the t4i designated as let's say 18-135mm that it would give a resultant image equiv to 18mm on the wide end and 135mm on the tele end. But what I have read lately seems to indicate that this is not the case.

I would like to steer away from EF-S for the eventual move to full frame, but it seems difficult to get wide angle zooms (starting in 10-15mm wide) from EF type lenses (also taking into consideration non-Canon) on an APS-C body. Now I'm thinking even if I do get an EF-S 10-22mm that I'm still not getting 10-22mm but rather 16-35.2mm on the APS-C body.

This is very confusing.
The focal length is independent from the sensorsize. Just the field of view changes by the factor of 1.6 (in average).

Buy the Lens and focal range which is best suited for your situation right now. Don't think to much about it and only compare the focal length with the same sensor sizes.

If you want an Wide-angle Lense just take the superb Canon 10-18 for APS-C. But please read the How to from Ken Rockwell about wide angle.
(yes it would look similar to a 16-29mm on Fullformat).
But you still get 10-18mm

If you can afford Fullframe Kamera and Lenses than you can switch. There is a great used market for Canon Lenses and Bodys

Hi and welcome to the forum, nice to read foreign languages too. :)

Viper just hit the point, alternatively you can look after a Tokina lens (11-16, 11-20). Even with a kit lens (18-55, 18-135) you can make nice landscape pictures and panorama views.

What I have just learned is, even a tele lens (e.g. 70-200 mm) has the ability to make special landscape pictures. Thomas Heaton made a nice video about this topic, just watch the video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wsMo3bIFQps. (y)
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