Tom Bombadur
Eben bei gefunden.
Photoshop Plugins
This page features a growing set of (mostly free) Photoshop filters / plugins coded by myself. Most were developed because I found myself in need of something like this in the past for computer graphics production. Others were developed because I foresee the need for them in the future. The remaining odd few were developed merely for the fun of it. They are not necessarily only limited to Adobe Photoshop and they work with many other graphic applications so long as they adhere to Adobe's plugin standards. If you are curious, click on the link below to see the compatibility list. To download a plugin, simply click the "Download" link or click on the image. I highly suggest you also take a look at the "More Info" link for those who have it, as it will provide you with much more specific information and examples pertaining to each plugin. Finally, please check back often as I intend to continually update this setion with more plugins.
All of the plugins below are only supported by Windows, NOT Macintosh. Although my intention was to support both platforms, the software I use to create the plugins is limited to only the Windows platform.
To download, simply click on the image or the "Download" link. Enjoy!