Hab ich ehrlich gesagt noch nicht ausprobiert
aber ich dachte die 5 $ tun auch nicht mehr weh, vor allem, da das Profil regulär 20$ und demnächst mehr kostet.
Da sind zwei Profile dabei mit hoher und geringer Sättigung (allso für jeden Geschmack was dabei). Hier ein Auszug aus der readme, die Dabei ist:
[code:1:f77503843d]Some general considerations:
An accurate input profile does NOT rely on a standardized lighting condition, but on a
correct white balance! You only need one because if the custom camera profile was
created properly, it should have an almost linear gray curve - and it should never
try to correct any WB issues. It should map the cameras untagged RGB-values to a
predetermined set of values that are not based on multiple lighting options, but one
properly white balanced situation.
Some lightening situations are difficult to get right, typically those at the outer
ends of the color temperature scale, like candellight and sunrise/sunset (below 3000
Kelvin) and many artificial light sources like Tungsten and Halogen lamps.
Some times you want a mood to shine through, other times you want the whites to
appear neutral. A generic profile can not correct for mixed lightening or for light
sources that behaves colorimetrically odd.
Exposure is not related to color management! Exposure errors should be eliminated
beforehand by the head behind the camera - or corrected afterwards in i.e. the RAW
converter or - last, within PhotoShop.
HiSat vs. LoSat
Contrast has a big effect on perceived colors. If a lot of contrast is added to an
image, many will perceive the colors to become more saturated as well. The ETC HiSat
version is the profile that measures up best and is the preferred profile for landscape
work or product shots. Since the Capture One programs adds quite a lot of contrast;
and contrast increases saturation too, some will prefer the LoSat version - typically
for very contrast rich scenes, but also for portraits. It does not measure up as well
as the HiSat version in all aspect, but is still very correct and balanced in it's color
rendering, but the saturation has been lowered a little. This will often make for a more
natural or realistic looking perception.
Vielleicht hilft Dir das was.
Was ich auch noch nicht probiert habe, was aber sehr interessant klingt: Es gibt ein Schwarz-Weiß-Profil, d.h. die Bilder der Kamera werden damit zu RGB scharz-weiß (also 24 Bit, oder irre ich mich)
Zu finden auf:
Nachtrag: Sollte mit C1 Rebel funktionieren, hab's aber wie gesagt noch nicht getestet. Die im Artikel erwähnte Ausgabe nach Graustufen gibt es in der Rebel-Version nicht.