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NEU -> Firmware 3.20 für X-T3 und 1.03 für X-Pro3


Fuji hat neue Firmware spendiert:


Zitat ( Auszug )
"... Fujifilm X-T3 – firmware 3.20

The firmware update Ver.3.20 from Ver.3.10 incorporates the following issues:

1. Enhanced autofocus.
* Improving the tracking performance of the eye AF frame, making it easier to attain accurate autofocus on the eyes.
* Improving face-detection performance when there are faces of different sizes within the same frame, making it easier to attain accurate autofocus.
* Improving autofocus capability on a foreground subject even when there is a mixture of foreground and background subjects within a AF frame, causing the foreground subject to go out of focus, e.g. when shooting flowers against a busy background.

2. Capability to save up to 9,999 pictures in each folder.
Until now, the number of pictures that can be saved in a folder on an SD card was limited to 999. This update will raise the limit by ten times to 9,999 pictures.

3. The phenomena below during a movie shooting are fixed.
* Focus hunting at the minimum aperture.
* A black line can sometimes appear on the bottom of the center.

4. Fix of minor bugs. "
Face Detection hat einen weiteren spürbaren Sprung nach vorne gemacht. Gefühlt würde ich sagen das er etwas zuverlässiger als an der Z6 aber nicht gleichwertig zur Sony ist.

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