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Reserviert/Verkauft/Erledigt Super takumar old manual lenses


I offer for sale 3 old manual lenses.
Super takumar 50mm 1.4 no covers
Super takumar 85mm 1.9 cover front and back
Super takumar 105mm 2.8 cover front and back & metal shade hood
And a fotasy adapter m42 to sony a mount.
I am not an expert but i tried them with an adapter and my sony a5k and the pictures are beautiful
The Pentax asahi body I do not know if it works or not.

On the link you see the items for sale
All pictures taken by me.
They re taken with the old canon, and there are 3 pictures taken with the lenses for sale.
(canon fd is nott included in the sale)


Price is 380€ including pp fees and registered airmail with tracking to your verified paypal address
I am located in EU i have many positive references i can provide and expect from your side also :)


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